Unlimited Potential.

Practice Principals


Student Empowerment and Voice


Parkville College educators celebrate that students’ whose input is solicited, feel a greater sense of ownership with the educational process, which increases their engagement and in turn facilitates school effectiveness. We believe that Student Voice is not simply giving our students the opportunity to tell us their ideas. We provide our students with opportunities to collaborate and make decisions with us, around how and what they learn. We understand that students need autonomy, support and structure Student voice at Parkville College is about giving our students the power to influence change in their learning and teaching. For students in custody, this choice is even more important than usual as the custodial environment places incredible limitations on students’ empowerment.  Where input is authentically solicited, students feel a greater sense of ownership with the educational process. This increases engagement, and in turn, facilitates school effectiveness.

When a student’s ‘autonomous motives’; that is their interests, preferences, their needs and their personal goals, are used as the guide for their activity and learning, they will be more engaged. From day one at Parkville College every student is invited to start developing a Student Education Profile. This Profile recognises the formal and informal skills, talents and strengths they bring with them to the school. It supports students to identify their goals and positively reflect on their efforts and achievements. It would be simple to characterise Student Empowerment and Voice through basic structures like Youth Leadership Councils or Student surveys. Whilst these structures are important, genuine Student Empowerment and Voice should be encompassed in every part of a student’s educational journey. The Student Education Profile attempts to ensure this happens in a really thoughtful, planned and careful way.

Catherine Hibbins